Habitat Conservation
The integrity of forest ecosystems at the monarch butterfly’s overwintering sites and the surrounding area is important for the conservation of this migratory species and for the well-being of local residents. This strategic initiative supports science-based, comprehensive conservation projects, including forest restoration and reforestation efforts that involve local communities.
Habitat Conservation Overview & ProjectsScientific Research & Monitoring
Effective conservation measures rely on a strong scientific foundation, and this is key to achieving our mission in all four of our initiatives. Research projects funded include habitat and species assessments with direct relevance to overwintering sites, management options for natural resources and biodiversity, evaluation of natural and human induced threats, and sustainable development alternatives, among others.
Scientific Research Overview & ProjectsOutreach & Education
We support environmental education programs that lead to a greater understanding and appreciation for the significance of monarch butterflies to the region. Our programs support the training of local communities in conservation activities, including reforestation, forest restoration and ecotourism. We also support citizen science projects and the dissemination of information about the natural and cultural diversity of the monarch region.
Education Outreach Overview & ProjectsSustainable Development
Through this initiative, we promote activities that allow local residents to achieve self-sufficiency and improve their quality of life while also supporting monarch conservation efforts. In partnership with local organizations, we support the adoption of ecological techniques and sustainable, organic production of vegetables, fertilizers, fruit and forest trees, as well as the construction of fuel-efficient stoves and cisterns to capture rainwater.
Sustainable Development Overview & Projects