With MBF’s support, Alternare, along with ten local communities planted 22,515 trees on 21.52 hectares in 26 areas within the buffer zone of the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve! Pine, oak, birch, and ash seedlings were extracted from 16 school nurseries, three community nurseries and one located in Alternare’s training center. Map of the areas that were reforested is below.
Aside from the reforestation, this year Alternare made two evaluations: 1) reforestation survival rates (i.e., once planted, how many trees survived) for the 2016-2018 period which resulted in an average rate of 62.19%; and 2) reforestation permanence (i.e., if the tree remains and for how long) for the 2011- 2015 period. Permanence was classified using three criteria according to tree presence: good (more than 50% trees present), moderate (30 – 49%) and poor (0 – 29% ). Of the 17 sites sampled, eight in an area of 24.75 hectares, presented good permanence, three in 11.7 hectares had moderate permanence and six in 18.41 hectares were poor.